microsoft sql server 2000

How does Private Key work?
It is a private key generated to check the authenticity of the certificate (CSR) used in the request for the creation of SSL certificates. These keys are generated by encrypting the contents of SSL within the context of certain algorithms and validate the CRT in the Completion of Certificate Request (CRT) sql server 2000

PFX Output
With Win + R on, open Certificate Management with sql server 2000

SSL to be exportedmicrosoft sql server 2000

Personal> Certificates

Field and right-click> All Tasks> sql server 2000

On the first screen of the certificate output wizard, specify Yes, export the private key by exporting the private key.

We choose Include all cerfiticates ... from the Personal Information Exchange - PKCS # 12 (.PFX) option in the Export File Format sql server 2000

In the next step, after setting the password for the PFX file, extract the output to the area you sql server 2000

Dialing with OpenSSL to Private Keymicrosoft sql server 2000
Download the current OpenSSL Win64 from here and complete the installation with default settings.

The default installation path is C: \ sql server 2000

Perform operations on command line,microsoft sql server 2000
After executing the command, you can enter a password with 4 characters which will be required to create an import pass. Or at the end of the command, encryption can be disabled by saying -nodes.

The key file will be in the folder C: \ OpenSSL-Win64 \ bin as sql server 2000

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